
Purchasing management = profit margins

By optimizing 60% of the costs, Procurement Departments can be the main contributors to a company's margin through a serious scheme of specialized cost management, whose aims should be:

Lasting Savings Transfer of
to the company
Effective Savings

Optimization of fiscal costs

Do you have any other specific needs?

Contact us

Corporate is the ideal partner for:


Corporate Consulting generates EBIT at zero cost, by increasing the efficiency of many operating costs with vertical specialists that are rarely present in the company.


These departments handle an average of 60% of the costs and are often understaffed. By relying on specialists, they would ensure efficiency of all costs (not just the core ones), making the Procurement Department fulfil its true purpose as a creator of value in the company.

Private Equity Funds

New investment managers must create economic and financial margins, while dealing with so many complexities over a short period of time. The ideal solution is to have Corporate Consulting as a partner specialized in optimizing costs both in the "pre-acquisition" and "on-going" phases.


As "trustees" of the customers, they must always be the providers of "tailor-made" solutions designed to maximize the customers’ assets in complete security. Becoming a Partner of Corporate Consulting is about guaranteeing your customers increased corporate margins for their businesses.


“Spending too much” increases the risk to profits, while “spending incorrectly” leads to failing to achieve the goal of correct management.
Collaborating with Corporate Consulting helps you to stay efficient.


Collaborating with Corporate Consulting helps you to stay efficient.


Corporate Consulting transfers know-how to the individuals working on the project within the company.


Identifying the correct acquisition costs involves in-depth knowledge of all types of cost and how to identify Cost Drivers, i.e. the parameters of quality control, timing and processes, as well as which measures to implement in order to improve.



Corporate Consulting relies on a stable and up-to-date group of partners and professionals that are vertically specialized in various types of operating cost and/or area of intervention; they:

Have consolidated experience

In complex sectors: from Corporate Finance to company restructuring, from management control to cost optimization, from Procurement Departments to "methods-time" consulting.

Are specialized in results

They are responsible for achieving the best and the highest goal for the Clients, and are only compensated according to their results; they are aware that the success of the initiative depends exclusively on the quality of the proposed solution and the Client's satisfaction.

Operate under strict confidentiality

Full collaboration and respect for the company's staff involved, they work in accordance with a "scheduled invasiveness", with most of the work carried out on our own premises, thus minimizing the need for resources from the Client.

Know the relevant market

and the drivers (KPIs) of every category of business cost.

Carry out their work

with the commitment to maximize savings and transfer know-how to the Client.

Identify solid suppliers

who are capable to meet the client's real needs for 24 months, and NOT the cheapest ones.

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